Two years already? It's hard to believe that it's already been that long! I remember first looking at a few garden blogs that I had come across that winter two years ago while I sat inside and thought of my garden. It didn't take long for me to decide to start one of my own. Finally other people that felt the same way about gardening that I did. That winter we had two years ago was a very cold and snowy one and felt like it would never end so garden blogs helped get me through. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I had no idea how much starting a garden blog would add to my life. I've gotten to know numerous bloggers around the world and even met some in person. The fun of starting your own blog is not only having people visit your blog, but visiting other blogs and learning about gardening in other parts of the world. I've learned about plants that I never knew I needed to have ☺. My addictions to roses, Clematis, Heucheras, geraniums, Agastaches and other plants has taken off since I started blogging. I've also learned about greenhouses, rain barrels, chicken farming, vegetable gardening, container gardening, indoor plants and turning one persons junk into garden art. Gardeners are some
very smart people!
I've seen some other gardeners do a "year in review" so I thought I'd try that for this blogaversary. It was hard to limit myself to one picture per month!
January 2010 - Hellebores blooming. |
January this year was a mild one, some days were warmer than what we'd end up having in spring. Winter sowing was started in January. Flowers blooming during the month were: Pansies, Hellbores and Sarcococca ruscifolia.
February 2010 - mild enough to start removing grass to enlarge garden. |
February was still nice enough to work in the garden. I started working on the front garden and widening it on the side towards the house. Sweet Pea and I also started what would become the shed garden. We attended the Northwest Flower and Garden Show and the Great Backyard Bird Count took place this month (on the sidebar you can see the dates for the bird count this year). More seeds were started indoors. Flowers blooming were: Tete-a-tete Daffodils, Pansies, Hellebores, Camelia 'Marie Bracey', Pulmonaria.
March 2010 - The garden shed I'd always wanted was built! |
March was exciting for me as I finally got the garden shed I'd hoped for for many years. I'm still working on how I will "decorate" the inside. Cookie the rabbit joined the family. Some flowers blooming were Bleeding Hearts, Water Hawthorn, Primrose, Daffodils, Camellia 'Kumasaka', Muscari and Winter Hazel.
April 2010 - White-Crowned Sparrow stops in for a visit. |
April was the month that the new shed was painted between rain showers and the pond got a much needed deep cleaning. Some flowers blooming were Forget me nots, Knautia, Columbines, Meadow Rue, Solomon's Seal and Epimedium.
May 2010 - The raised beds in the side yard are filling in. |
May was when the flowers really seemed to take off blooming, Snowball bush, Jacob's Ladder, Columbines, Clematises, Lilac 'Miss Canada', Nepeta, Lady's Mantle, Rhododendrons, Red Valerian, Golden Mock Orange and Bearded Irises were some.
June 2010 - One of my favorite months in my garden. |
June is always my favorite time of the year in my garden. I've been trying to be better about finding more that will continue blooming past June. It's just that so many of my favorite flowers happen to bloom in June. Some of the flowers blooming were Asiatic lilies, roses, Baptisia, Spiderwort, Geum, Hydrangeas, Clematis, Fleabane, Oriental and Breadseed poppies, Salvias, Penstemons, Scabiosa, Heucheras, Geraniums, Lupine, Veronica, Campanulas, Peonies and Foxgloves. So many of my favorite cottage garden flowers this month! June was a wet month, but that's not that unusual around here.
July 2010 - The path garden looks better than ever, an upside to all the rain we had in the spring. |
July was when the sun finally came out and when it did it was hot, the plants almost went into shock. Some of the flowers in bloom were roses, Agastaches, Monardas, Daylilies, Beautyberry, Larkspur, Clematises, Hydrangeas, Phlox, echinacea and Aster.
August 2010 - A corner of the yard that used to be a difficult area, has turned into one of my favorites parts of the backyard. |
August ended up being a wet month. I noticed I only posted 7 times and that I didn't participate in garden bloggers bloom day. I was a bit frustrated with the weather we'd been having. A strangely mild winter followed by a very wet spring, a few weeks of above average heat and then back to rain. Many of the seeds I had started never did germinate or were very stunted. Still the garden was blooming with hardy fuchsias, roses, Salvia, Rudbeckia, Scabiosa, Liatris, Verbena bonariensis, Oriental lilies and Campanulas.
September 2010 - The front garden is still full of lots of color. |
September was another wet month, not like our usual September that can be very nice. I only posted a few times this month and didn't join in bloom day either. This was the first year that I remember not getting any tomatoes My garden still rewarded us with Clematis, geraniums, Rose of Sharon, Toad Lilies, Calendulas and Cimicifuga blooms.
October 2010 - The planning I did in planting around this side of the garden has paid off. |
October had the garden winding down, but there was still lots of interest from foliage and flowers such as Sedums, Chocolate Eupatorium, Heucheras, Linarias on their second round of blooms, Choysia ternata, roses and a Primrose that wouldn't quit.
November 2010 - The first snow of the year brings Anna's Hummingbirds to the garden to drink from the feeders. |
November we had our first snow and arctic freeze. The Anna's Hummingbirds were hanging around the feeders. I was able to get the spring bulbs planted. A few blooms before the freeze were roses, Lavender, Abelia, Red Valerian, Tiarella and fuchsias.
December 2010 - The path garden still has lots of life left in it despite the cold weather and record breaking rainfall. |
December we had record amounts of rain, more snow and very cold weather. I think I was more excited about spring than I've been in a long time. I was happy to find not only Pansies blooming but Sarcococca ruscifolia as well.
Thank you to all of you who have stopped by to visit and leave comments. I enjoy every single one of them. I hope you all have a happy and healthy new year with lots of time to garden!
Catherine, what a wonderful tr of its ip through a year in your garden. My favorite is still the pond, probably because I would love to have one. I also love that path garden because of the anticipation it evokes.
Happy New Year Catherine and what a delightful garden review from 2010. I love your garden no matter what the season.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your two years and I look forward to reading more about your lovely gardens again this year.
Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
Happy Blogaversary!!! It is wonderful being able to connect with other gardeners. Thank you for sharing your garden. Here's to even more plants in 2011.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! Very exciting! Your garden is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your stories.
ReplyDeleteHappy blogaversary !!...congratulations !! 2 years it is a long time !!!......hope you will stay very long always enjoy your blog !! love
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary, Catherine. It was a weird year weather wise wasn't it? I think you had a lot more clouds and rain than we did. Despite the weather anomalies your garden looked beautiful, a testament to your loving design and care. Thank you for your friendship. I believe we are kindred spirits of the gardening kind. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary! I've enjoyed visiting your blog for the past year. Your September and October gardens were particularly lovely. I find your posts inspiring because we share many of the same weather challenges (and gifts!).
ReplyDeleteGarden blogging became a much happier place when you entered into it! Here's to many many more years of garden blogging!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary, Catherine! That winter that you started blogging was my first winter here in the Seattle area! We had just moved in November from Massachusetts, and I remember being in shock that it was so snowy! I thought it hardly ever snowed here, and that when it did it melted the next day. But that snow in December hung around forever, and it snowed a few more times that winter. I worried we had made a mistake, but now I'm quite happy here.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading your blog, and seeing your pictures of the hummingbird, and of the path, your new shed, and that corner that used to be difficult. It looks great now.
I would love to meet up at one of the garden sales this year, that would be fun! Will you bring the girls to the Flower Show? I bet Littlest would love the theme this year, they are doing lots of storybook gardens.
Congratulations on 2 years. Like you, I didn't realize how rewarding blogging would be until I started doing it. It is also a great way to keep track of your accomplishments, like you've done on this post. That is a great idea.
ReplyDeleteWhat a treat to be given such a wonderful blogaversary trip through 2010 in your glorious garden, Catherine! Again, I'm green with envy for your beautiful pond - by far one of the loveliest out there, I'm certain! Your garden is a marvellous testimony to your love of nature and I'm continually astounded by the wealth of plants you are able to grow.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward HUGELY to being a regular follower through 2011. You are truly one of my FAVOURITE bloggers :)
Des xo
I remember most of these photos, Your gardens were beautiful despite the weather. It has been a pleasure exchanging comments with you and now Sweetpea.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary Catherine! Even though I am not able to garden like I once did, I eagerly await every post you do. You have the enthusiasm and energy I once had and I enjoy your wonderful photos so much. If there is an award for garden blog of the year, you certainly deserve it. You chronicle everything so well. It's been a pleasure getting to know you and your precious girls through your blog. I wish you all the very best in this new year.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Catherine! All the best to you, your garden helpers and your wonderful garden!
ReplyDeleteWow two years passed quickly didn't it? Congratulations the gardens there have came a long way! My second anniversary is just weeks away also.
Happy Blogaversary!! It is fun to see what folks in other parts of the country do with their gardens and to see what is in bloom...always enjoy stopping by your blog to take a look and to enjoy!
ReplyDeleteYour garden looks great! loved the raised bed and the pond.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your two years! I hope you will keep on blogging for many more
Such lovely photos! I want you to know I consider you one of the very smartest of the gardening bunch!
Congratulations! The garden looks wonderful!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary!! Beautiful selection of pictures, you've had a very busy and productive year. I feel the same way you do about bloggers, I didn't know I HAD to have hydrangeas til I started visiting blogs. So many plant additions, it's been lots of fun. :) Best wishes to you and your family for a great year in 2011.
ReplyDeleteHappy blogaversary! You have a beautiful blog and I love to read it. It's been fun getting to know you. Happy Blogging!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post Catherine ~ I can't imagine how long it took to put together. (at least for me it would take a LONG time). Happy blogaversary too. It's amazing how time flies. I think I found you pretty early on because I've been reading your blog for about two years?? You do a wonderful job ~ I always read your posts and feel uplifted. Keep up the great entries and I hope it's a good gardening year for you too.
ReplyDeleteGreat year in review! Glad you're still blogging, too.
ReplyDeleteJune is my fav month in the garden also. Not too hot but plenty of stuff blooming.
Dear Catherine, congratulations on you blog milestone! I am so happy to have met a Washington/Seattle area blogger! I just drool over your garden, especially when it's triple digits here and I can't keep anything alive. I was sure hoping to be living in your neck of the woods this summer, but it didn't work out this time. I'm so glad I can stop by and visit your garden if not for real, but to just help me keep my dream of living there one day alive! Have a lovely Sunday. :-)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your second year blogging. Would you believe I forgot my anniversary entering the blogasphere? Can't believe it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the year in review, I enjoy seeing it over the span of a year. I did check my Hellebores again....still no buds. They are alive.....maybe they are a later blooming variety.???
Happy Blogaversary Catherine! (You've just reminded me that it was my 2 years also on 21 Dec - forgot about that!!)
ReplyDeleteYour garden looks lovely all the year round with different interest. Love the hellebore.
Let's hope 2011 is a great garden year with good weather. Here's to more happy blogging! Happy New Year!
Catherine, I remember all those pictures and the hard work you did to put up that arch! I enjoyed reading your posts last year. Happy New Year to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteCatherine, It was fun to realize these photos represented a "stroll down memory lane." I certainly do recall all the fun you had in creating your beautiful gardens! Happy 2nd Blogversary - I'll look forward to more inspiration from you, too! :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy Bloggaversary Catherine ~ 2 years ~ good for you! What a terrific review of your garden ~ very nice!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
xo Catherine
Looks like 2010 was a good year in your garden Catherine. Here's wishing you a Happy 2011 too. Congratulations on your 2nd bloggaversary.
ReplyDeleteHappy blogoversary Catherine! Two years already! Just been a little over a year for us, but it's already amazing being able to look back, at pictures, and text, and see how things actually were then, not just how you think you remember them! I wish I'd kept a blog of our last two gardens...goodness, I wish I even had photos of the first one! Here's to many more blogoversaries to come, and Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe it's 2 years! Very nice, Catherine! I look forward to many more :)
ReplyDeleteHappy new year to you,
Congrats! I do love your blog. I too have learned so much about gardening and gardeners in this universe thru blogging. A lovely post--I think I will steal the year in review when I hit my birthday :)
ReplyDeleteHappy blogaversary! Your garden is gorgeous and that shed is pretty awesome.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary dear Catherine! Your garden has evolved so nicely, thanks for sharing it through the months. The pond is especially beautiful. Garden bloggers are the best, most supportive and friendly group who share our passion for gardening. It is amazing! :-)
Two years! Congratulations... i still love that pond! (and happy new year, naturally)
ReplyDeleteCongrats Catherine! I've enjoyed reading your blog, especially since we're kind of neighbors :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary Catherine! What a wonderful trip through the months in your garden.It is amazing to see the changes throughout the months. I have enjoyed your postings so much and your giving heart. Looking forward to reading many more postings from you. I wish I could get out for the "Get Together" it sounds like a fun idea to meet fellow bloggers but too far for this northerner to travel.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week.
Happy Blogaversary and a happy and healthy New Year, Catherine.
ReplyDeleteThank you for adding much to our 2010, and we hope this year brings you and your family many blessings.
Congratulations on your 2nd Blogaversary, Catherine! I agree blogging about our gardens and reading other blogs really does change the perspective of gardening. I too, had no idea it would be such fun.
ReplyDeleteI’ve really enjoyed your review and I am mega impressed that you can stick to one photo and a small amount of text per month. Lol… I failed there and am taking a different approach now ;-)
I do enjoy my visits to your blog and have enjoyed our exchanges too. I’m following your pond with interest. Enjoy Year 3 of blogging! Wishing you and your family all my best wishes for 2011 too :-D
Happy Blogaversary, Catherine. Wishing you all the best for a new year full of garden magic. -Jean
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary, Catherine. Wishing you all the best for a new year full of garden magic. -Jean
ReplyDeleteGreat these wrap-ups! We also had very sudden heat wave in July after cool temps all spring...the garden definitely seemed to take a hit...glad yours ended up so pretty!
ReplyDeleteYour garden has obtained Antigonum Cajan's seal of approval.
ReplyDeleteHowever the hose, uncool, ruined the effect, believe me. Remove it for picture sessions.
The gravel, would have been more attractive if white, or yellow/orange.
The rarity, is the high beds in frame. Not seeing before, useful and original.
I will give you 9.9, out of ten. Hose and gravel.
Congratulations! It is a pleasure to observe critically a garden (my career/vocation) and to find a well thought aesthetic composition with adequate enclosures.
Ooo i love your garden shed and your raised beds at your side yard look great too!