I walked through the garden this morning to see if I could find any new blooms. There wasn't too much that was new, but the buds on quite a few plants are really close. My "lazy gardener" dahlias have buds on them already. I also noticed that quite a few of the dahlias I planted last year have come up too. I just planted some cheap ones from Costco because I knew I wouldn't be digging them up. I'll be interested to see which ones came back because I saved all the information for them to remind me which one is which.
It was surprisingly mild outside already. The weather is perfect for gardening, if I have time today.
Clematis 'Ville de Lyon's' flowers seem to be getting larger. It has a lot more buds to open still.
Cupid's Dart (catananche caerulea) is beautiful in a full sun area. This blue flower is really trouble free and blooms until fall. It really doesn't need much water. It lives in the driveway garden, where you have to be tough to survive.
Penstemon 'Sweet Joanne' is starting to get going, she also lives in the driveway garden.
I showed the first bloom of this Coreopsis several days ago. I had just moved this to it's new spot in the hot driveway garden early this spring. It looks the best it's ever looked and has really helped to brighten up the area.
Another of the tiny Oriental Lilies. I noticed the littlest gardener's nose was yellow yesterday while we were out, so I knew which plant she'd been smelling!
Another of the low growing blue Veronica. I seem to have several different varieties, none of which I can find tags for. This one is pretty compact compared to the others.
Some of the hostas have started blooming. I couldn't get too close since this is at the edge of the pond and I didn't want to risk balancing with my new camera. I've said before I know falling into the pond one day is going to happen. I've lost my balance too many times and almost gone in, and I don't want to be holding anything important when it happens.
Astillbes are covered in buds just about to open. As I knelt down to get a little closer a neighbor cat that must've been napping under all of the leaves jumped out and surprised me. Nothing like getting your heart beating really fast first thing in the morning, maybe I don't need the coffee now!
This Red-breasted Sapsucker was visiting the apple tree. I ran to get my camera and he had hopped in the bird bath by the time I got back. There must've been another one in the yard calling to him. I read that their calls sound like a cat meowing, and that pretty much describes the strange call it made.
Here it is when it noticed the calls. Maybe it's partner was warning it that I was getting too close.
I read in Garden Gate magazine last night that summer is the perfect time to divide a lot of plants. I was surprised to read Oriental Poppies on that list. I know they don't like to be moved. I've been wanting to move mine, but was afraid to. If this is correct not only will I be able to move it, but I'll have two to move. What plants do you feel comfortable moving in the summer?