"One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it brings."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

And now it's September...

When I first started blogging I thought I would post everyday, after awhile I realized that was being over ambitious.  Then I figured a few times a week would work.  Slowly but surely it's gotten longer and longer between posts.  Now I've realized it's been around 2 months since I last posted. I was going to try to post sometime in August, but to say August ended up busy is an understatement.  Between soccer and art camp, soccer practices starting up, our dog having to get her last 4 teeth pulled, working on a house project, redoing our oldest daughter's bedroom, a ruptured disc in my neck, a visit from my in-laws, getting ready for school and taking soccer coaching clinics it seems that gardening and blogging have been almost non existent.
The Littlest Gardener started kindergarten and turned 6!  Sweet Pea is in 9th grade and is taking a very early class (French) up at the high school (9th grade is junior high here).  Our day is starting much earlier and ending late by the time sports and homework are done.  Looking forward to getting out in the garden more often soon though!
August was very dry and warm, and while I'm not complaining at all, it took a lot of watering to keep the garden going.  And as always happens about this time of year I'm tired of dragging the hoses around and have a pretty withered looking yard, especially the back.

Early August

Butterfly garden early August.
Since I've last posted some of our chickens have started laying eggs.  It has been so much fun going out and finding the eggs.  We've been using them and they sure are better than the store bought kind.

We've had a really good crop of figs and pears this year.  Lots of figs are in the freezer waiting until we can make fig jam and can it.  There weren't as many blueberries or apples as last year, but enough blueberries at least to have some in the freezer for some fresh muffins or pie over the winter.  Sweet Pea and I have been blanching and freezing lots of spinach, and there's lots more growing that we need to pick still.  When my in-laws were here my father in law made spanakopita with our spinach.  It was even better than it usually is.

This is the front porch that we redid right before I hurt my neck.  I'm not blaming it on this job since it was my idea ☺, not to mention that my husband did 99% of the work.  The builder of this house, back in the 60's only finished one side of the porch.  This side was just pea gravel and was difficult to use.  It was always very dusty and impossible to clean.  We my husband measured and figured out the pattern of the pavers.  I love how it turned out and that we can really use it now.

 Now that I'm able to do a little bit more I decided I would redo some pots on our back deck to freshen things up.  There's so much I want to do, but it's going to have to wait another month or so.  Last thing I want to do is re injure my neck. 

 I try to let the chickens out everyday, depending on the day they are out from an hour to most of the day.  Our dog has been really good with them.  The white chicken (in the upper part of the picture) chases poor Gracie around.  That chicken is always trying to figure out how to work her way up the pecking order, unfortunately Gracie isn't going to be able to help her with that.

 I think there have been more waterlilies blooming than ever this summer.  The raccoons were here in late July and really tore it apart.  I plants ripped to shreds and dumped all over, although I'd rather they do that than bother the chickens.

 The shed garden is doing pretty well still.  This part of the yard is very hot and hard to keep watered well.

Plants in this back corner behind the pond have really started to fill in.  I was generous with the compost this past spring and it definitely paid off.  I'm not sure if you can see how tall the Bugbane has gotten in this picture.  It's got to be close to 8 feet tall!!  The bees love it.

September has been absolutely gorgeous here.  I wish our schools would use July, August and September for summer vacation since those seem to be our nicest months
I hope that now I will be able to start visiting everyone's blogs again.  I really miss seeing what is going on in your gardens. 
All words and photos in this post are property of A Gardener in Progress. Pin It


  1. Your gardens look great! Sorry to read about your neck, did you hav surgery? I had a hip scope on the 4th. It's been a tough recovery so far.

  2. Hi Catherine, I also missed half of August on the blog, it was so busy. Your garden and new porch look wonderful. Glad the neck is better, be careful. Take care, Jen.

  3. I've been keeping up with you on Facebook, but it's still really nice to see a long blog post with picture from you. Life just gets busier and busier. I'm actually relieved to hear that someone else's garden is starting to look a little worn. I'm so jealous of all these blog posts I've read where they talk about how great the garden looks right now, when ours are drought-stressed for the summer. I am so ready for some gentle rain.

    Yes, take care of your neck. Your husband did a great job finishing the porch. Love seeing your chickens.

  4. Glad to see you are feeling better, my husband just had surgery on his neck, due to a crushed nerve, it was very frustrating for him not being able to drive or do anything for such a long time. This problem also affected his arm, but with regular physiotherapy he is slowly recovering.

  5. There you are Catherine! Your garden looks none the worse for your neglect, so don't sweat it. I've been laid up with a knee injury most of the summer, and my garden really shows it. Oh well, maybe next year will be better.

  6. Your August sounds like mine! I just posted today for the first time in weeks. Glad to hear you're on the mend...neck pain is well, a pain in the neck. Handy husbands are such a blessing. Yours did a great job on the porch...you'll be able to sit and enjoy the fall garden.

  7. The porch project looks really great!

  8. I'm not the only one who is tired of lugging hoses around. :) I think early September should be summer holiday for the kids, too! What gorgeous weather we've had lately. I live north of Seattle. Your porch looks great!

  9. Your summer sounds busy, your neck sounds painful, but your gardens and chickens look great. You've got enough material here to write posts for several months. And, what can we chicken tenders say except that fresh eggs rock. Hope you continue to feel better and glad you are back.

  10. I hope the neck stays good for you, these kind of problems can seem to be endless. Loved what you did to the porch.

  11. Dear Catherine ~ Your gardens are fabulous as always. I love each and every area that you have planted. Your new patio area is great! So glad you chickens are giving you wonderful eggs and that you are enjoying the bounty of goodness from your gardens.

    I can't believe your oldest is in the 9th grade already and your littlest is in kindergarten. Time is zipping right along.

    Enjoy each day in your lovely bit of paradise.


  12. Welcome back. And remember: blogging means never having to say you're sorry!

    The gardens and the chickens look great. It must be wonderful to finally be collecting eggs.

  13. Grace, you have such a lovely garden, everything looks beautiful to me.

    I totally understand how life takes over,but it's supposed to be that way.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  14. Wow! Those blooms are really lovely and your garden looking great. I also love the blue shed. The color is really cool. Love it.

    Jeane @ Cheap Sheds

  15. Glad you're on the mend...and your garden is looking great. So awesome that you have a FULL PORCH now!

  16. What a busy time you've had! The garden looks as lovely as ever and your chickens are delightful!

  17. Hi,

    I hope you're feeling better now and your neck is OK!

    Your garden is looking lovely though, and the porch is looking great :)

  18. It's difficult to blog constantly. I slowed down this year too, so I could actually get some things done ;)

    Love the patio, with all the work you've done to your garden recently, it must be nice to have a cozy spot to sit and just enjoy it all.

    I'm jealous of all your figs. Our young tree only has managed to spit out about 3 so far!

    I can't believe how grown up your pullets look! I swear, it seems like you just got a handful of chicks last week. Where did this year go!?

  19. What lovely photos of your garden. Glad to hear you neck is better. All the best, Kelli, Northern Ireland.

  20. Glad to see you back here. Love how the porch turned out. It is wonderful to have multiple outdoor spaces to enjoy your garden.
    Your harvests are incredible!! We love fresh eggs so much better. Amazing they are so different. We have talked about putting a fig tree in, just hard to figure out where....don't want to encourage the deer into the yard.
    take care of your neck!!!

  21. Catherine, it's so nice to see your garden again. September and October have some of the best weather all year for us in southern IL. Especially September, and we are so enjoying it right now.
    Your porch looks great! So nice to have that added space and to have it looking so nice, isn't it? I hope your neck recovers quickly and fully.
    Your garden still looks colorful and luscious compared to ours. I have not spent much time in our garden the last half of summer. WAY too hot and so, so dry. Many of our hostas went dormant, the star magnolia lost all its leaves, the grass was brown and crunchy. The farmers' corn around here produced next to nothing. Much of it won't even be combined. Fields of corn only three or four feet tall, instead of 8 or 10. Sad. But the past few weeks we have had nice rains and the hostas sent out a few new leaves and the grass started to green up and grow. We will wait and see what things look like next spring and summer. Should be interesting.
    If we lived close, I'd bring you some jelly. :) I've canned lots of jelly and fruit this summer. And some tomato paste. Been a fun project.
    Hope to see another garden post soon! ~~Rhonda

  22. A ruptured disc sounds terrible. I hope you're feeling better. I love your new porch and your chickens look so happy and healthy. What a bounty of eggs they provide you. I've always said that school shouldn't start until October because September is such a reliably sunny month, but nobody listens. :) I'm glad you're doing well and staying busy. Your garden looks lovely as always despite the heat. Cheers.

  23. Glad to hear you had a great summer and hope you are on the mend with your neck...gardening here was hard with the heat and drought so my blooms are almost ended.....love seeing the chickens and eggs.

  24. Glad to see you back, Catherine. You have had a busy, busy summer! Glad your neck injury is over. I always smile when you show pics of your hens, they're so cute. Our new ones have just started laying also. We too are so tired of dragging the hoses around. It's been too hot and dry for too long now. But your garden is still looking wonderful. Love your new porch, nice job!

  25. So glad to hear your neck is on the mend, and happy to see your lovely garden again. Your new porch area looks great! Aren't "homegrown" eggs the best?

  26. Sorry to read you hurt your neck but pleased you are on the mend...your garden looks wonderful especially those pots.. marvellous!

  27. Such beautiful plants. The porch is CUTE! Hope your neck stays well. Love the chickens in the garden and yea for the eggs!

  28. Hi Catherine! Wow, you've been SO busy! Sorry to hear about your neck. Hope you'll be OK very soon! The garden looks good! I agree with you - July should be a school month, and September should be free!
    Take care and have a great October!
    P.S Is it verbena b. in the second picture? I can't find any for my garden.

  29. Catherine...., It was the same with my own blog, almost daily post for more than a year, now getting lesser. Sorry to hear about the neck, hope you get well soon....

  30. Your gardens are amazing as usual. They have that mature and abundant look that mark a garden that is well loved and lived in. I bet the chickens do a good job with keeping pests down in the garden. I can't have them in my little suburban yard, especially with the neighbor's cat repeatedly sneaking into the back yard to chase the birds and my cat, but one of our local garden centers has two varieties homemade coops in their trial beds and it's so much fun to sit on a nearby bench and watch them.

  31. I enjoy seeing photos of your chickens and eggs, or is it eggs and chickens? How is it that your garden looks so fabulous when you're not spending as much time out there?

  32. Catherine dear,

    Just worrying about you and hoping you are just too busy to blog.

    Your gardening friend,


  33. You gardening ideas are always great and your exotic flowers too..!


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