Clematis have always been one of my very favorite flowers, and the fact that they are vines and can grow up taking less space in my yard has made me love them even more. But just the word Clematis has caused me confusion. My Mom always pronounced it "Cle MAT is" so that is what I always called them. It wasn't until years ago I heard it pronounced another way "CLEM ah tis".
The other confusing part about Clematis was the pruning. I guess I had been lucky that the first few I bought were types that bloomed on new wood. So, at the end of summer I would cut them down and then next summer have lots of blooms. It wasn't until I bought 'Nelly Moser' that I finally learned about the correct pruning times. I couldn't figure out why I would only get one or two blooms on it.
Now I find that I've accumulated 14 and except for a few, it's hard to remember when to prune each one. I've written out lists looked up each one and written down the pruning time. Then I've lost each list and had to start over again the next year. I thought I would use this post to keep track of my Clematis as well as explain a little about when each type is pruned.
Type 1 or A are Spring bloomers and require no pruning unless you would like to thin them or cut out dead vines.
Clematis armandii is one I
had but unfortunately decided to move last summer and it didn't make it. I'm sure I'll be adding another this year, maybe the pink 'Apple Blossom' variety.
'Southern Cross' a new one last year which is zone 8 - 9, so I may be pushing it a little, crossing my fingers it makes it.
Type 2 or B is divided into two groups
B1 usually bloom May - June on previous growth, and may have a second smaller flush of flowers later in summer on current growth.
'Josephine' - grows happily in a container on my deck
'Nelly Moser' - tends to die back every summer, I've moved her to a new spot to see if she'll be happier.
'Nelly Moser'
'Piilu' (Little Duckling) - pruned at wrong time and no blooms last summer
B2 bloom on last years and current growth usually continuously from June - September. Pruning should take place late winter and just cutting out tangled or dead vines.
'Crimson King'
'Miss Bateman'
Type 3 or C bloom on current wood only. These should be pruned as close to the ground as possible to the first two sets of buds. These bloom during the summer and are fast growing.
'Alionushka' - easy care and blooms great every year
'Comtesse de Bouchard' - new last year, bloomed into the fall
'Etoille Violette' (
viticella) - blooms like crazy in hot side yard
'Jackmanii superba' - as easy as they get and blooms like crazy
'Jackmanii superba'
'Little Nell' (
viticella) - new last summer, few little blooms
'Little Nell'
'Peppermint' - new last summer, crossing my fingers I see this one again
'Ville de Lyon' - another very easy one that has huge flowers
'Ville de Lyon'
I'm sure my list will continue to grow, especially since I have 3 already on my wish list. I fertilize Clematis by putting new compost around them in the Spring. If you have any other tips about Clematis I'd love to hear them as well.